ANOTHER WRECK The Brig Robin Hood Lost at Bass's Straits. Intelligence was received in town to-day of the loss of the Auckland brig Robin Hood at Bass's Straits. A cablegram received by Mr W. S. Laurie from Captain Colin McDonald states that tho brig is a total wreck. All hands were saved, and part of the cargo was recovered. It is expected that the remainder will also be saved if the weather should continue fine. Captain McDonald intended returning from Launceston to tho scene of the wreck to-day. The Robin Hood was a wooden brig of 207 tons register, and was built at Shoreham in 1867. She is owned by Messrs W. S. and F. G. Laurie and Captain McDonald, of this city. At the time of the occurrence she was on her way from Kaipara to Adelaide with a cargo of timber shipped and owned by tho Union Sash and Door Company. Tho hull of the vessel was insured in the Now Zealand Office for £1,200, of which £250 was re-insured in tho South British and £2OO in the Batavia Office. The cargo was also insured in tho New Zealand Office for £1,840, of which part was re-insured.
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